Tahitian, Hula, Siva, and Maori. Polynesian dancing encompasses much more than quick and graceful aerobics. Our dancers tell the stories from the islands with very strict technical precision. We preserve traditional footwork and hand motions of each Polynesian dance style, with occasional influences from other dance styles including contemporary, classical, and ballroom. Our dancers perfect basic movements, learn more advanced techniques, and incorporate them into melodies and traditional drum beats. Most of all, they share their love of music and dance with others who share the same passion.

Children 5-11 years old
It's never too early to start dancing. It is proven that children exposed to music and dance are more disciplined and maintain better grades in school. Students learn basic steps, language, simple dances of drumming and melodic numbers. Exposure to culture also helps students grow as individuals. We incorporate fun drills to keep the kids engaged and excited about dance!
Beginner Vahine
Women 12+
Students are immersed into the ori Tahitian language and music by first being introduced to stationary and moving basics in this class. That includes developing a straight posture as a Tahitian dancer, as well as building and strengthening core and leg muscles. Beginners are enrolled twice a year to ensure easy transition in learning. All dancers start in this class to assess level before being moved up.
Intermediate Vahine
Women 13+ (by invite only)
Students perfect not only technique, but also begin to add grace and speed to the basic tu'ura'a avae. At this faster pace, students will develop stamina and strength with continuous 'Ori Tahiti cardio, drills, and pehe combos. More melodies (ote'a, 'aparima, and mehura) are added to the curriculum to move those basics into action.

Advanced Vahine
Women 13+ (by invite only)
The average advanced vahine in T.O. has 15 years of experience in Polynesian dancing. This is not required, but advanced dancers will perfect a balance of grace, strength, and stamina. Advanced dancers are active in various competitions or are competition ready. ‘Orometua (teacher) training is available as well.
Ages 10+
Class rotates through Poi, haka, titi torea...the heart and soul of the people of Aotearoa (New Zealand). Advance poi students audition for fire poi. Inquire about which rotation or class you're interested in. Led by Kaiako Marama.

Boys(5+yrs) and Men
Polynesian dancing is not limited to just women. Teva Oriata focuses on the strength and power of our tane with upper body and strong leg muscle training. Students learn the stationary and moving basics, along with the basic drumbeats (pehe) associated with different moves. Now teaching Hula too!
Rotating classes
Not offered regularly

Hula Basics
Women 5+
Strong dancers start with strong basics. Perfect your Hula basics from the HHHC award winning Hālau Hula. Build coordination, strength , endurance, and most importantly grace. Led by Alakaì Kanoe.
Intermediate Hula
Women 13+
Auditions for intermediate hula are based on ones knowledge of the basic foot work, grace, timing, and smooth transitions. Led by Alaka'i Keahi and Ra'atira Angie.
Metua Vahine
Women 35+
This class is designed for the women 35 years and wiser preferring lower impact, and medium paced exercise. The students learn basic, fun, and upbeat aparima to keep their bodies flexible, as well as slower graceful ahuroa.

Samoan Siva
Ages 5+
Siva Samoa (similar to Taualunga) and sasa (slap dance).
Oli (Hawaiian chanting)
Men and Women
Oli, or chanting, is the way that mele, songs or poems, were presented and shared. Come learn a more in depth study of the Hawaiian language ('ōlelo) and voice/breath training. Led by Alaka'i Keahi.
Men and Women 15+
Drummers are the heartbeat of 'Ori Tahiti and are currently practicing basic pehe (beats) during regularly scheduled classes. Come and be apart of the feti'i (family) even if you aren't a dancer. T.O. supplies drums, however you are welcome to bring your own instruments. Singers, ukulele, and guitar players welcomed too!